Category Archives: Cacher of the Month

August 2015 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: MDPlayers
Real Name: Karen and Ashley Skipper


1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
Karen: I was at a Girl Scout Volunteers Training camp weekend and one of the classes was Geocaching. I was instantly hooked after taking that class. Ashley is just along for the ride I think. But he’s recently gotten interested in creating some gadget caches.

2. How did you choose your caching name?
The teacher of the class I took was MD(something). I decided to follow with ‘MD’ for our home state of Maryland and ‘Players’ just because we are playing a game.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
I like anything except the difficult puzzles. I don’t have the time for them. I like simple field puzzles though. Ashley likes traditional caches small size and up, no micros unless they are near a cool site to see.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
Karen says CAM 2009 – Hoye Crest (GC1NKTA) cache was physically difficult for us; we are flatlanders for sure. What a climb and the view is well worth it.
Ashley says it was Rapid Cache (GC1E44) in West Virginia. It’s a terrain 5 (boat needed) and the water was low when we were there. The cache is up the mountain side.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
No real goal except to cache when we can and have fun doing it.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
We haven’t really thought about it. We just cache when and where we can.
7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
We were doing the long since archived 20 Feet Concrete (GL1B5V66) cache at the old hatchery in Elkton. The water was frozen and our son skipped a rock over the ice. Wow! What a cool sound that makes. It is something we still talk about.
8. What do you like about geocaching?
It’s been a great excuse for getting outdoors together. I love a long walk at a State Park with a few caches to grab along the way. It has also been fun to learn about some of the historical sites around DelMarVa that we’ve seen only because we’ve been caching.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
GL87C0PH Mares eat oats
GC1NC7D Lums Hydilea
GC3DYYT Your Key to Cache

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
We are both involved with Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, Ashley is a fisherman, and we camp. We’ve been doing at little kayaking lately and having a good time with it.

July 2015 – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name:  Delicious “D”

Real Name: Dave Yannes

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?                                     My brother and his family “The Lowpers” started geocaching in January of 2010. They came for a visit Memorial Day weekend and said there are a few caches in Rittenhouse Park just up the road. I never heard of geocaching before but we decided to try it. We searched with their automobile GPS but came up empty as one of the caches was missing and the other one “TGPTBM -Tourist Spot – Newark, Delaware” (GC1K2GK) was in the middle of a mud pit surrounded by stickers.  Having read the clue and having a sense of the general area, I went back out myself and found the cache without a GPS. I was hooked now. The next day I went out and bought a Magellan Explorist GPSr and signed up to become a geocaching member. As of today I have over 2000 caches and the “Lowpers” have 12.

2.  How did you choose your caching name?                                               I was playing video games with my niece and nephew and they said, “Uncle Dave, you need to come up with a name for your player”. I was eating a red delicious apple at the time and we came up with the name Delicious ”D”. It stuck so I decided to use it as my geocaching name.

3.  What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?                                                                                     I like being outside either hiking or riding my bicycle so I prefer traditional caches in the woods. I also enjoy mystery, field puzzle, multi, and challenge caches.

4.  Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?                                                                                             The most physically challenging so far was Mike Ott’s “Delaware Centum Challenge at C&D Canal” (GC35VCC) where you needed to find over 100 caches in one day to qualify. I put my bicycle in the car and drove to the C&D canal where I did the C&D power trail. I rode my bicycle on both sides of the canal and went from one end to the other – from Chesapeake City, MD to just south of Delaware City, DE. After traveling over 20 miles by bike I ended up with 122 caches for the day.

There have been other caches where you had to climb a tree or climb up rocks to get to a cache.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?

* My next milestone is 3000 caches (I finally reached 2000 caches in January).

* I want to get some more caches published. In February I placed my first 4 caches in Middle Run Valley Park and in May I placed another 4 caches in Iron Hill Park.

* I want to get at least one cache in all 50 states. So far I have caches in DE, MD, PA and MI. I sure have a long way to go on this one.

* Finally, I want to go out west to attend a Mega Event.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?              I would like to travel out west and geocache in the Colorado Mountains or the Grand Canyon or maybe even in Hawaii.

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?                            I took a trip to Petosky, MI with my brother and his family (The Lowpers) and some of their friends where we rented a log cabin for a whole week. It was located in the northern most part of Michigan and only 50 miles or so from the Mackinac Bridge leading to the Upper Peninsula. On one day of our trip we took a Star Line hydroplane ferry boat ride from Mackinaw City, across the Mackinac Strait (which separates Lake Michigan from Lake Huron) to Mackinac Island. We explored the historic Fort and buildings on the island and geocached as well.

Other camping/geocaching trips included going to Cunningham Falls State Park in PA and to the Herrington Manor/ Deep Creek Lake area in western MD.

8. What do you like about geocaching?                                                            I like the friendliness of geocachers and I like attending events where new and old geocachers meet to eat and swap geocaching stories. One of my favorite events is the “Picnic on the Brandywine” in PA. I also like traveling to some out of the way park or historic building or even abandoned ruins in the woods which I would not have seen if not for someone placing caches in those places.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?

* The first cache I ever found – “TGPTBM – Tourist Spot” (GC1K2GK).

* The archived “World’s Largest Bison Tube” (GCYPE6) but has been reborn by me as “Return of the World’s Largest Bison Tube” (GC5KD29)).

* Caches in the LOTR series (#01 to #20) [even though #01, 11 and 16 are archived the rest of the caches are fun to do]. (See “LOTR #01 – Gollum’s Lake” (GC3HA6Z) for more info on the series)

* Several multi-caches: “Hillside cache” (GCWFY7) and “The Smithmill Devil Returns” (GC29T0E) in Delaware, and the “Ruined-Chicken Multicache” (GC2BE4) and the “Fair Hill Multicache” (GC2570) in Maryland.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?                                        I love bowling. I average around 200 per game and have even bowled a sanctioned 300 game. I also like camping, fishing, hiking, bicycling and gardening.

June 2015 – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name: Crafty Wolf
Real Name: David and Janet MacDonna

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
While Janet was in Vet school, our neighbor in Stillwater, OK introduced us. He took us and group of friends on a puzzle cache adventure around town. (Painted Walls GL1B167Q). We were intrigued enough that he took us on a few more the next day. We then decided to create our own handle and started caching on our own once David found an App for his old phone that worked.

2. How did you choose your caching name?
David loves wolves and Crafty was Janet’s Girl Scout Camp name. We find caches together so we combined them to form our name.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
Typically “traditional,” but it depends on the location and what is around. All are fun however some of the puzzle ones are very complex.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
There was this one puzzle/ multi in Oklahoma that was very frustrating. We got the clue wrong 2-3 times and one time ended up by this abandoned house and a police officer stopped us for loitering. We still were FTF! (Philosopher’s Journey GC2Q3GA)

The most exhausting physically was one off a bluff lookout on the Illinois River. We canoed all day on the river then hiked 3 miles to the cache. We were sunburnt, dehydrated and with cramped muscles—however we found the cache!! (SparrowHawk Vista – Illinois River GC5D81)

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
Have fun and continue to cache. Try to cache a little more frequently. Hide more caches.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
New Zealand

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
There was a cache on an island the middle of Lake Boomer in Stillwater OK. David walked out on the semi frozen lake during his lunch break from work. Janet was waiting for the call from Stillwater Police that David was rescued from falling through the ice; however, David made it safely to the island and back!

8. What do you like about geocaching?
Love seeing different places and the thrill of the find. Like how caching gets everyone outside and has a reasonably low cost to get and stay involved. How almost any age can participate and that it is really fun getting new people involved!

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
UD’s Solar system, Mike Ott’s Route 9 Series

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
Skiing, walking and hiking with our 2 Alaskan Malamutes, game nights with friends, and cooking.

May 2015 – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name: Delaware Dude

Real Name: Tom Keating

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
I was the driver for Delaware Girl (my wife) and her sisters, who have cached for
Years. Gradually I got interested, then hooked.

2. How did you choose your caching name?
My wife, Delaware Girl, picked the name, Delaware Dude.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
I like traditional caches, but I’ll try any type.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
The caches we got in Alaska were very challenging. We were on a cruise, so
Time was always a problem. Every cache in Alaska was a good hike, and the
The terrain was always an issue. In Juneau, Alaska the roads went straight
Uphill. We also cached in Skagway and Ketchikan Alaska.

Another fun, but challenging cache we did was on a trip to Italy. While in
Florence, Italy we came to a cache that was 10/12 feet up on a sign. We looked
All over until I spotted it on the back of a sign. We weren’t to let it go, so I
Climbed up on Delaware Girls back and got it.
The locals either knew it was there or just figured we were crazy Americans.
Another cache we loved in Italy was at The Leaning Tower of Pisa. It was a
Virtual, and the information was on sewer grates, and you completed it with
Pictures of the tower. It was a beautiful place.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
Our current geocaching plans are to do New England, in the fall. We are both
retired so there are plenty of future trips coming.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
We are going to do all of the states and as many foreign countries as possible.

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
There was a rock wall cache in Asissi, Italy that was a trip. Asissi is a town on a
Mountain, and all the roads, walkways, and paths have rock walls around them.
The paths and roads wind up the hills, and are very close to each other, so your
Dealing with millions of rocks, and the coords weren’t too good. We wound our
Way up to the top and found it. The challenge wasn’t over yet, because now we
Were totally lost, hungry, and in need of a bathroom.

8. What do you like about geocaching?
I enjoy the challenge, and being outside in beautiful places. I’ve learned there are
Caches almost everywhere.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
A favorite cache is the one in Ocean city Maryland, right off the beach. I found a
$20 bill next to the cache.
Another favorite, Needful Things, is in Fresh Pond Park near Ocean View De. It’s
way back in a beautiful park, that you should bike to, and it has a wonderful old
farmer’s story.
We also love the trails in Florida. They all have tons of caches, wide trails, and
bathrooms. Some trails even have drinking water, and they are all kept up nice
Of course a lot of trails in Florida have alligators and snakes.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
My other hobby is running. I run three times a week, and have competed in
everything from 5Ks up to a full marathon. Running has also taken me to
new geocaching areas.

April – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name:  Evanspack

Real Name:  Jan Evans


1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
In 2006, when my son was a young teenager, I tried to find a hobby that we could both participate in. I had heard about geocaching and thought this might be something we could do together as a family. We cached together for the first couple months, but he soon lost interest. I did not!

2. How did you choose your caching name?
I wanted a name that would include both me and my son. A pack of Evans’, so Evanspack was created!

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
I prefer virtuals, although they are quite a challenge to find now. I like that virtuals take you to some cool location! Since there are not many virtuals around, I will try to find a traditional that takes me somewhere historic!

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
Some puzzle caches have become a real challenge for me. I will work on puzzles off and on until I am completely stumped. Sometimes I will write the CO for help.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
I would like to become the number one cacher in Delaware! No, I am kidding!
Here are my real (which are all attainable) goals.
1. State Stars
2. Oldest cache challenge
3. 30 earth caches in 30 days challenge
4. 30 State challenge

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
I have always wanted to do the ET trail! It is a rite of passage for all geocachers I have heard!!

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
I have had quite a few. Caching with 12 women, in three days completing 4 states comes to mind. I have gone on a lot of crazy caching trips with my caching friends!

8. What do you like about geocaching?
I like that you get to see a lot of unique and interesting locations that may have gone unnoticed if not for a geocache.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
I like Mike Ott caches, he will always take you on a nice hike in a nice area.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
I like to run in the early AM!

March 2015 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: 2B’s

Real Name: Bill and Betty Andrews

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
Our son got a Magellan as a Christmas present from his employer in 2002. During Christmas we went caching with him and his family and had a great time but did not log any of the caches. In July of 2003, he gave us our own GPSr and we started caching around Sussex County.

2. How did you choose your caching name?
We use the initials of our first names.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
Each category has a lot to offer. We wish Groundspeak would bring back the virtuals.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
Any cache at the top of a mountain.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
Nothing really; we just enjoy the hobby.

6. What is your most memorable caching experience?
We were on a cruise and went to look for a cache near the port in Cozumel. The cache was in a beachside bar. When we walked in the owner saw Bill’s Lewes hat and when he said Lewes correctly, we knew he was from Delaware. The CO was raised in Dover. Also on that cruise, we logged a virtual as we cruised through the Panama Canal.

7. What do you like about geocaching?
The people we have met and the interesting places we have visited. It has been fun learning about Delaware through caching. And we always try to do some caching while we are on trips.

8. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
Being retired, Betty likes to work on Rehobch’s puzzles. I can’t solve many of them but it keeps the brain working. Bill liked the Ancient Mariner by Hart612. It took three trips to gz and it was the first creative cache we found.

9. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
Reading, traveling and volunteering at Cape Henlopen State Park.

February 2015 – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name:  Boonecaching  

Real Name:  John Boone    

  1. How did you become involved in geocaching? One day a friend of mine and our families got together at a local park. We were talking and she said there a Geocache over in those woods. I had heard of Geocaching but never went so she took us to the GZ and we made our first find. After that we went to a bunch more along the way back home.
  1. How did you choose your caching name?  Being new to it and not knowing much about it I just went for the first thing that came to mind… my name and caching. Seems kind of silly now knowing how clever some people’s names are but I’ll stick with the original…
  1. What type of cache do you prefer seeking? Traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual? I don’t have a type of cache I prefer I’ll give them all a try as long as I can have a good time and have a story to tell after… like power trails… I’d rather do a walking one where we can enjoy being outside.
  2. Which caches were the most challenging?  Either physically/mentally? I like the physically one more so if I see a terrain 5 I get excited; especially if I can bring my little cachers along for a fun filled day… We did a cache in Ky it was a 3 mile walk to a cliff (Solomon overlook)
  1. What are your current geocaching goals?  I don’t believe in having goals just stories to tell at events and memories. I love the feeling of when you pass an area and you remember a cache and a fun filled day that went with it.
  1. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t? My current ambitions are to go to Canada and do that one cache that took like 2 weeks to go get… only found 1 time in the 7 years it’s been active. (Don’t know the geo code)
  1. What is your most memorable caching experience? It’s going to sound silly but my lil cachers and I went to a small power trail next to the C&D canal (bike trail) and we walked it… on that walk my oldest daughter found a bamboo patch she was amazed and wanting to bring some home and my younger daughter saw an eagle… for the next week they kept talking about the trip… I just hope its days like that that they talk about to their kids (“when I was younger” moments)
  1. What do you like about geocaching?  I like meeting new people, seeing the creativeness that comes with the different hides and puzzles.
  1. Do you have some favorite caches in the area? GC436MB without giving too many hints about the end, those that have done this one know why it’s one of my favs. GC47GCN Really long walks on the beach.
  1. Do you have an y other hobbies or interests? I have a lot of hobbies, Most can be integrated with geocaching, Camping, hiking, traveling, building crafts, sport shooting, but one thing that’s not really a hobby, it’s just being outside.



January 2015 – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name: cacheaholic!
Real Name: Martha

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?                                            I was introduced to Geocaching by my longtime friend Lit’l Bitz (Maribeth). We had gone on one of our annual trips to NYC and since we had advance tickets for a show she asked if we wanted to go Geocaching. I had never heard of it before but thought it might be fun since had no real plans. I had so much fun that I signed up when we got home. Needless to say since I was a muggle at the time I found my first cache I had to go back and get the cache so that I could sign the log myself.

2. How did you choose your caching name?                                               This wasn’t my first caching name. My first name was Crafty SeaHorse deriving from my most favorite interests, crafting, the beach and horseback riding. I changed it to cacheaholic! because once I start caching I find it hard to stop. I found myself saying “Just this one more cache” and that would lead then to one more after that and so on. You know how that goes. It’s like eating chocolate.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?                                                                                                      Hard Puzzles are my least favorite type of caches for the most part because my brain doesn’t think in puzzle. I enjoy some puzzle caches that are challenging but are still solvable for me. I do really like virtual caches because they are usually in really interesting places. I pretty much enjoy all cache types for the most part.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?                                                                                             The most physically challenging cache(s) were Mike Ott’s kayak caches he put out in Elkton. Jamie, Joe, his brother and I decided to get theses as the tide was leaving. This proved to be quite an undertaking as we paddled where we could and slogging through the mud where we couldn’t.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?                                                    I can’t say that have a specific goal in mind when it comes to geocaching. Almost anywhere I go I enjoy finding caches. Right now my only real goal is to tackle the ever growing list of Delaware caches I need to still find. It would be nice to have a cache find in all 50 states and all of the Canadian Provinces but if I don’t make it at least I’ve enjoyed the journey along the way. After all for me the best part of Geocaching is just getting out there enjoying the adventure of finding great places along the way.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?          Hmmm, that a tough one. Basically almost anywhere would be great. Although in watching other cachers videos I think the architecture in Europe and Scandinavia is beautiful and it would be nice to go caching there. I love old things, great architecture and interesting places.

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?                                I have two memorable caches. The first one was the “Thousand Steps” cache that I did with Mike Ott and company for his 10,000 find and the second one was the Bear Swamp Hill “Landing Gear” cache the Waypointed (Cush) and went out for in the Jersey Pine Barrens. There are a few more caches that are also memorable but these two top my list.

8. What do you like about geocaching?                                                      There are so many great things about Geocaching I enjoy. Some of them are the amount of history; the out of the way places it has taken me to that I probably would never have seen had it not be for someone placing a cache there; meeting other cachers along the way. For me it’s not just finding the cache but also taking in the places that this sport takes me to. I’ve been caching at a winery and stopped for wine tasting, stopped to check out a local fair and the like. These are the reasons I like Geocaching.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?                                       My favorite caches are caches in the state parks or other out of the way places because I love coming across old buildings and other fun relics from the past. I also like being able to watch wildlife.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?                                            I enjoy many things including reading, doing crafts, horseback riding, vegetable gardening; homesteading and primitive skills are some of my favorites. I like traveling although I don’t get to do as much of that as I’d like to.

December 2014 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: LadyH
Real Name: Genie Jones

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
Our daughter and son-in-law (dww9) ask hostanut and I to go along with them to do something they thought we would enjoy. That first day we signed logs as “Green Thumb Team” since we were heavily involved with growing (garden, hostas, alliums, cacti, daffodils, etc).

2. How did you choose your caching name?
I LOVE hummingbirds and am a Lady so LadyH.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
Traditional, Multi and Virtual. NOT puzzles unless they are field puzzles.
Caches that take you on walks instead of C&Ds.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
Along with CAM 2009 Hoyes Crest…..Tonylama’s GCTAK6 Tour de Lamahoe (now archived).were the most physically challenging.
For Tour de Lamahoe, hostanut and I were happily surprised when we arrived at Stage1 to find the CO. After chatting for a few minutes we made the quick grab and loaded the coords for stage 2 and off we went. We started on one route before deciding that we need to cross the water back near stage 1. Back we went before locating a tree bridge.
What an adventure!
OK, we were across the water but now we had a cross country trek-bushwhacking part of the way with the CO tagging along.
After making a quick grab of the coords at stage 2 (with the sound of guns shots nearby and even hunters a few yards away), I made the find.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
Continue to have fun. I hope that my next 7000 are as enjoyable as my first 7000.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
Las Vegas

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
GC1NKTA CAM 2009- Hoye Crest and GC1NQWM CAM 2009- Fifteen Mile Creek with The9Searchers (they were The8Searchers then…. The little Searchers were ages 13, 11, 7, 5, 2, and 3 weeks.) At Hoyes Crest the little Searchers kept an eye on hostanut and I as we took the climb up to the top. Once there….the views were spectacular, the achieve-ment of reaching the top was satisfying but the fun with the Searchers (along with HiTech MD and Three’s Company) was even greater.
At Fifteen Mile Creek it was a blast crossing the water 10 times with the 10 of us. I had the pleasure of being escorted by 2 of the younger Searchers along the dry parts of the walk. We also enjoyed making up stories about the car we spotted up high on the side of the hill.

8. What do you like about geocaching?
At vacation destinations hostanut and I agree on what to do (caching). We get to see more places because caches are at places that we might not know existed if there wasn’t a cache there. We have met friends who we now socialize with…..both caching and non-caching activities.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
GC3TVPR Feeling blue? On the eastern shore of Virginia near Eastville, This was a tree climb. I reached the cache but dropped the log. Hostanut had to put the log on the end of his walking stick to get it back up to me.

GC51NTF WGD 2014 Courtyard for several reasons. I had fun with hostanut and Hitech….coming up with idea to use for the cache, designing the cache container and getting our friends the Scrapple-ers to build the final container.
Later I was thrilled with this cache was voted “Best Hide of the Year Eastern” by the Maryland Geocaching Society!

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
CHRISTMAS!!!! It’s Christmas year round at the house…..I have several trees that stay decorated all year. I even have a room dedicated to Christmas which contains many collectible Pipka Santas.

Reading (hostanut swears he needs to get another job just to pay for all the Kindle books that I purchase.)

Jewelry: Getting beads and creating my own bracelets and finding several beautiful hummingbird earrings.

November – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name: Geoliottis

Real Name: Chris Gigliotti

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
A friend from work introduced me to it, about 7 years ago, after she learned I had bought a GPS. I couldn’t believe that caches existed and were all around me without my knowing!

2. How did you choose your caching name?
My son came up with the name. “Geoliottis” is just a play-off of our last name. I went under “csgig” for a while after I first started, but changed it after he gave me the idea.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
I mostly prefer traditional caches. I won’t pass up a multi, but I don’t go looking for them. I will do a Virtual if I discover I’m near one. I typically find myself frustrated over puzzle caches…something I’m trying to get over!

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically or mentally?
Although not physically challenging, every year we do the FSC Challenge and mentally pressure ourselves into getting it done over a two or three day period. We’ve been out in the dark using flashlights to get the last few in an area that we wouldn’t be able to get back to, or would not want to drive the distance, just go get one or two caches.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
Other than getting numbers, my only other goal is to get one in as many states as I can.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
I totally want to do the level 5 caches that you can only get to by kayak or boat. We rented a paddle boat and got one at Killens Pond last year and had a blast. I know DE has a lot more of them, but I don’t have a kayak or boat. One day…

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
Definitely “A Devilish Hole” in the Poconos! One of my first several caches. We set out for a hike, not really knowing how the GPS worked. Walking off the beaten path in a true forest. We were so turned around we crossed the same creek three times, ruining four pairs of shoes. If took us over two hours but we wouldn’t stop until we found it…and we did. WAY more work than was necessary!

8. What do you like about geocaching?
I love the fun my family and I have every time we discover some place new, that we probably would have never discovered, unless we were caching. We’ve lived in DE since 1998 and we are constantly seeing and learning new things about De while caching.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
I found one in Ocean City NJ called “A Chase around Ocean City” It was at a large gazebo and the container was a silver bison tube. The fun part was that there were a total of 25 containers hidden in various spots in and around the cords. If you found one and it wasn’t the right one, there was a note inside telling you to keep looking or asking “does this look like a silver bison tube?!” I found 14 before finally getting it right!

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
I’m actually pretty boring. We are involved in year round travel softball with our daughter, so that keeps us busy. Our son does baseball and soccer. Not much down time between all that and work. We also really enjoy watching sports on TV, and reality shows.