Category Archives: Cacher of the Month

December 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: Tabbikat
Real Name: Christine McKinney Greentaner

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?      A friend who was active with the scouts told me about geocaching because at the time I was in a hiking group from MD. The first cache I did was “71” and I was hooked.

2. How did you choose your caching name?       I’m a cat lover (all animals really) and my first cat named Tigger who lived to the age of 19 was a gray tabby so I went with that.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?      I never pass a virtual whether old or new. They take you to such cool places. I enjoy fun field puzzles as well as gadget caches. I do earth caches too but they can be so much work!

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?       An adventure that was very hard work was the ET trail. A great experience but more than I could ever imagine c&d’s to be.
I just recently solved a puzzle that took me over a week so sometimes puzzles aren’t my friends. :)
One hike last year was tough, CAM 2018 Rocky Gap.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?       Next summer I will complete my goal of going to all 50 states which took a while! I went to Hawaii before caching, so I must go back and get a cache one day. I am also a fan of the star geoart in each state and Evanspack and myself have been working on them. We have 10 done and always planning for the next trip!

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?         After I finish all 50 states next year, I would like to cache more in Canada and go to Europe. Bermuda looks fun too!

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?       One of my most memorable experiences was working with the MD team for Geowoodstock 2015. What an amazing group of people and so much fun!
I have loved my caching trips around the country and they are all so memorable!
I also love lab caches at Mega events :)
Doing Mingo GC30 was a fun experience, along with GC21 Lake Lanier and GC20 Marooned. And I’ve gotten a cache at 14,000 feet GC4P5BM Pikes Peak Summit and one at -240 feet GC1RBAD Death Valley.

One of my favorite caches was in Louisville KY, called Raining Letters, GC2D90K. I have never seen anything like this before.

8. What do you like about geocaching?       The friends of course! I’ve been caching for 10 years and have made wonderful friends. We have had so many cool adventures and I treasure them so much. I also like that when I plan trips, it’s easy to see so much by caching.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?        My favorite cache in Delaware is no longer there; Collin’s Beach. It was an awesome historic creepy spot for a cache. I remember having a great time with the Lord of the Rings series and just recently FSC 2018 – The Maze cache. I have enjoyed placing caches too especially working with Evanspack to create the Delaware Star Geoart and loved working with organizations to set up caches at the Collins-Sharp House in Odessa, Belmont Hall in Smyrna, FYC caches in MD and 2014 CAM cache in Kent County MD.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?        I enjoy home decorating and making creative things for the house. I enjoy Netflix or Hulu or Amazon series. Love spending time with my two nephews and love to travel. In my spare time, I help take care of two feral cats communities.


November 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: Drew136
Real Name: Drew Horseman

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?      I had a friend who had some car trouble and I was able to get her car back on the road. She was grateful and gave me a brand-new Garmin Etrex as a thank you gift. I had heard of geocaching before, so the next day, I took my sons out to find our first few caches. I was hooked. I guess I’m an explorer by nature.

2. How did you choose your caching name?
Pretty simple: my name and address.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
I enjoy hunting all types, however, I tend to chase caches that are old, with high favorite points or are in interesting or new-to-me areas. I also hunt down challenge caches, caches to complete challenges and lonely caches.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
I find that the most challenging caches for me are those that take me out of my comfort zone. Crawling through tunnels, long hikes in rough terrain or mental challenges are equally challenging. A tough hike I just completed was for GCD Geocache in Washington state, a rough tunnel crawl was for GC2WY7T Krachtpatser Afwateren up in Pennsylvania and a tough but cool puzzle I just solved and got was GC45MBR Oh, Valentine Puzzle down near Seaford.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
I want to cache in all 50 states, get the oldest cache in all 50 states, grab all the year 2000 caches in the US…and then go on to Europe!

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
Hawaii, Alaska, Europe, China, Japan, Australia…I guess I just want to see the world.

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
I have had a lot of great trips with my caching friends. I loved them all in their own way; but I have had a caching trip with each of my sons (one to New England and one to the Northwest) and those are near the top.

8. What do you like about geocaching?
I enjoy the friends I have made, the adventures I have been on and all the places I have been.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
Bison Tube Puzzle Box #1 and #2 (GC71A7Y and GC7BFZH) by Martin Mitchell,
the two Tunnel of Doom caches (GC20Z4Q and GC20Z5D) by Mike Ott,
The Cache of Wolfenstein Enigma (GC3YTTM) and A Song of Ice Cold Beer and Fire (GC4ZHRK) by captnkirk17, FSC-2018-The Maze (GC7QVRB) by Joe Wessels and, of course, Talley 10,000 for Drew136 (GC4MJJD) by JeffS47. We have some great cache hiders around here.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
I enjoy spending time with my two sons and I play tennis quite a bit.

October 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: REHOBCH

Real Name: Jerry

1.     How did you become involved in geocaching?     In 2005 I bought a GPS unit just because they were “cool.” A few months later a friend mentioned a use for the unit- Geocaching. I joined on the last day of Dec., 2005 and found my first cache in January.

2.       How did you choose your caching name?     While living in NJ, we had been coming to Rehoboth Beach since 1985. We had a NJ personalized license plate “REHOBCH”. Many of the locals here call Rehoboth, Reho , so it seemed like a natural for me.

3.     What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?     When I first started, I liked them all- especially puzzles. As I’ve tended to slow down on finding caches, I mostly go for traditionals and a few puzzles that I have solved here & there.

4.       Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?       The most challenging caches physically have always been the long hikes- especially in hilly areas. The most mentally challenging caches were puzzles from JohnnyKay, Spatial Distortion, and hostanut.

5.     What are your current geocaching goals?     We’re not caching as much as we used to but we have finds in the whole Eastern section of the country- over half the states. We might try for a few more states and countries.

6.     Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?      Probably California and Oregon.

7.     What is your most memorable caching experience?     My most memorable caching experience was in Barbados. The GPS unit did not have any local maps in it, so we had to use a local paper map and just the compass pointer on the GPS. It certainly took a little longer but we found 4 of the 5 caches in Barbados at the time (the other was missing).

8.     What do you like about geocaching?     I like the challenge of solving puzzles and finding caches. But we have met some very good friends through Geocaching including IMSpider, 2B’s, hostanut & LadyH, and many others, so meeting new people and seeing new places that you would not have seen is also great. News flash- of course I also really like to create puzzles and currently have placed 227 of them as well as having created several them for other cachers. I might still rely on red herrings but my puzzles will be getting easier not harder (no more Evil 5 star puzzles).

9.       Do you have some favorite caches in the area?     JohnnyKay, Spatial Distortion, hostanut, & I kind of had a puzzle challenge going on for years. Sometimes we would get together to solve puzzles, but when they would create a puzzle, it was always a challenge. One of my favorites is “Stop” the Herrings- GC38Q3R, which JohnnyKay and Spatial Distortion placed down in this area as a tribute puzzle. I really struggled with that one for a while. I’ve struggled with several hostanut puzzles, but always liked them. I also really liked “Intoxicated” by soflfamily of Florida who placed that cache in MD. Again, after a struggle, I was first to solve and find on that one as we had never gotten a FTF in MD before. We now have FTFs in 11 states (including Maine, Florida, and Missouri) and 2 countries (US & Canada).

10.   Do you have any other hobbies or interests?     I am a docent at the University of Delaware in Lewes. We give tours through the Marine Science buildings here. We also get to audit the professor’s classes free, which are all graduate classes. I also volunteer on a Condo and a Homeowners Association board of directors.


September 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: Parker & Mom
Real Name: Brynne (and Parker)

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
I heard about geocaching in 2012. I thought it would be a fun activity to do with the boys who were 9 and 11 at the time. We didn’t have a GPS, just a cellphone with a very minimal ability to use coordinates to find a cache. I was actually printing the cache pages because I don’t think I had ability to get the geocaching website from the phone! Needless to say it was really difficult without the TOTT. I really didn’t know what we were doing and we ended up finding a grand total of 7 caches and then quit. It was way too hard in our opinion. Fast forward to 2015, something made me think about geocaching again. I downloaded the app (new phone!) and found that suddenly this was a lot more fun and easier!

2. How did you choose your caching name?
Parker was the one that really liked caching at the time, and I was the chauffer. I think the true name should be Mom & fill in the blank. (Parker, Harrison, Carson, or Abby) because I have really cached with all the kids and a ton with the dog!

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
I’m less likely to choose caches based on their type and more on their favorite points. I love the Whereigo’s. Multis would be my second favorite, when done well and I can find all the stages. Nothing stinks more than doing 8/9 stages and then getting stuck!

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
I’m a good hiker I think, so I like when caches take me on trails. I don’t care about the hills or rocks I just go for it. Actually the most challenging are the puzzles. In Ohio (we moved here two years ago), I did a series called the 39 steps. It was really well done and the puzzles were so hard, but really worth it. The caches themselves had physical puzzles inside that helped lead to the next. Unfortunately the series was disabled while we were in the midst of it. If you look in the archives you will find some great ideas for puzzles though!

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
I’m heading back to West Virginia to the Tim’s SMART caches. We are also planning the abandoned PA turnpike caches. I always have a list going, but I’d like to fill out my DT chart. I need 15 boxes. My husband wonders why I have a sudden interest in kayaking. 

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
I’d say Europe, specifically Germany or the Netherlands. There are some amazing caches out there.

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
For sure it would have to be Manauka Chunk Tunnels in NJ. I took my brother, Harrison and Parker for a fun day. We got halfway through the tunnel and my brother didn’t want to keep going but the boys did. So my brother and I hiked OVER the tunnel while the boys went through. We did find the cache, and the boys got thigh deep in silt and mud. We went to a diner afterwards to eat and Parker somehow hadn’t really cleaned himself off. He went to the bathroom to do so and left a swamp monster trail in the diner. Needless to say we left a good tip. Unfortunately this was archived shortly after we did it. We were actually the last cachers to get it so I was glad we had the chance. It was an awesome experience.

8. What do you like about geocaching?
I love the interesting places it takes me and the things that I see that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. I love that I get exercise while I play and that I’ve made some great friends doing so. I like the ability to add caching ideas to vacation and go places that are unique and not tourist traps.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
Martin Mitchell’s two puzzle box caches. SpookyDame’s troll toes. All the FSC caches, old and new. Mike Ott’s caches because I always know I won’t have to bushwack too much. All of Middle Run because I love hiking there. Anything in a state park. Your Key to Cache, because it’s just weird. Fishing Cat in Iron Hill because it’s awesome.  I’m sure there are more, the best cache is the one you have yet to find.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?         Is geocaching a hobby? I thought it was a sport. I also cook but not bake, like to knit but not sew, and solve puzzles and mystery games like the Nancy Drew PC games. I’ve done all 32 with my daughter Carson!

August 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: MikeOtt

Real Name:  Mike Ott


1.     How did you become involved in geocaching?       My father who lived in north Jersey sent me a local newspaper article on geocaching in 2002.  I already had a simple ETrek GPS for hiking/kayaking in Vermont.  It seemed interesting and when I went to I saw that there were two geocaches only two miles from my house, so that was my start.

2.     How did you choose your caching name?       The newspaper article my father sent me featured a geocaher, Brian Snatowski  (not sure its spelled correct) who’s caching  name was BrianSnat.  It was easy to copy that concept to create my caching name.

3.     What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?         I try get virtuals whenever possible.  I started out mostly getting hiking traditional caches that were ammo boxes. (seems that was mostly what was available way back in 2002.)   I also like Earth Caches and field puzzles.  Least favorite are many stage multi and very difficult to solve puzzles.

4.     Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?      One of the most physically challenging was GCD, the oldest cache in Washington, that I did with Tim from Amanda and Knobbie.   It took over 5 hours including a 2+  mile hike to the cache with and over a 1700 foot elevation gain.

Also a  really hard cache in south Jersey  was GC1169   Malaga Challenge  a true 5-5 cache.  I did that with IMSpider , his north Jersey friend TheSurfCaster who brought climbing gear, and and rflester.  It was a long kayak paddle across a lake and up a narrow river and then the fun part of using climbing gear to get about 50 feet up in an old tree.  No signing the log for everybody, we all took turns making the climb.

5.     What are your current geocaching goals?       Since I am less than a 1000 away from 25,000 cache finds, that would be nice whenever it happens.  I have worked on caching in all 50 states  ( greatly helped by Hostanut and JeffS47 caching trips) and only need 2, so a goal would be to get Georgia (highly likely) and Hawaii (high unlikely).  Still working on Canada to improve on over 400 finds in 6 different providences.

6.     Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?   Either Hawaii, Mexico or Europe since pretty much covered the US and Canada.

7.     What is your most memorable caching experience?       I enjoyed the Project Ape cache GC1169  Tunnel of Light that was over two mile each way hike through an old RR tunnel.  My favorite was a Vermont cache GC1ZK09 Radar Days.  It was over 3 miles each way on gated road that took you to an abandoned 1950’s Cold War radar station on the top of a mountain.  I spent a few hours exploring the old radar installations,  I went by bike but ended up walking, pushing the bike up the steep mountain road.  Coming down was a quick fast trip, but I had to stop two times as the bike brakes were overheating.


8.     What do you like about geocaching?    Getting out and hiking in the woods and seeing new and unique locations

9.     Do you have some favorite caches in the area?    GC3DYYT “Your key to  Cache” is unique.  Also recommend GC4QTGE, GC2QCZC AND GC4MJJD  (look them up!)

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?     Right now it’s mostly my 2 year old grandson and twin 1 year old granddaughters.  I do volunteer for White Clay Creek State Park (Delaware), White Clay Creek Preserve (Pennsylvania) and the Mason-Dixon trail system.

July 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: KSullivan
Real Name: Kelly

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?      A teacher next door to me was having students use gps devices to find containers in the school yard. It sounded intriguing. I borrowed the GPS (an eTrex yellow) and tried to look for geocaches. My husband and I found one. We had no idea what to look for searching for a micro on our second attempt. It was frustrating! It was a year before I picked up a GPS again. I was invited to participate in a Discovery Education Geocaching Day and I was paired with a cacher who knew the ropes. I had 7 finds by the end of the day and was hooked!

2. How did you choose your caching name?        I tried to come up with the most exciting thing I could come up with!! Just kidding! I didn’t know what I was doing and used my name.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?        Traditional caches are my favorite, followed by a field puzzle. I love a moderate hike to an ammo can!

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?        I did a series in Indiana that was both physically and mentally challenging (GCMWZJ). There were 6 different caches and you had to pick up a field puzzle at each one to solve and get coordinates for the next one. The terrain was challenging as were each of the puzzles. I was not familiar with the area and had a limited time to complete it. Luckily it was with my sister and nieces so we worked together to do the puzzles. We all made it to final except for my one niece who hurt her ankle along the way.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?       I hope to make it to a few geocaching events that I haven’t attended yet—West Bend, Going Caching, etc. I’d like to get some caches in the 13 states where I haven’t been geocaching.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
I’m up for caching anywhere!! I really want to get some caches in places I have traveled before I started geocaching—like Scotland and Italy.

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?      I have a good one and a bad one. I’d have to say November of 2016 when I broke my ankle. I feel in a huge hole and broke it in three places. Even though I hopped to the geocache, I couldn’t get it open. Apparently, I was trying to pry off a screw top lid! That experience changed my life and set me back a year!
My best one is a trip I look with Tabbikat out west for the sole purpose of geocaching in National Parks. I’ll never forget the fun we had, the beauty we saw, or the buffalo that almost gored us. (Okay, that’s a little exaggeration.) I remember getting a virtual cache, “Be Inspired” (GCG8XY) and standing on a cliff thinking, “I need more of this in my life.”

8. What do you like about geocaching?      Everything! It’s become very social for me. I’ve met the BEST people geocaching. I also love hiking, finding a beautiful place that I didn’t know about, reading maps, leaving my signature on a park and grab to show I’ve been somewhere, planning routes, and learning things from virtual and Earthcaches.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?       I really like a kayak caches. There are quite a few in my area that are all favorites. Both the Duckayakanoe and the GeoBoat series were fun. I also like ones creative ones like (K)not our First Cache (GC39HPP) where you question if it’s a cache or how to retrieve the log. Another favorite is a real night cache (GC3G80) “Night Cache-If you go down in the woods tonight.”

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?      I used to make quilts, but I don’t have as much time to work on them since I started geocaching. I have a side business (LuLaRoe) that I really enjoy even though it takes a lot of my time some weeks! I love to read and travel (but that always involves geocaching.)

June  2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: Shorttripp

Real Name:  Rick Fetterman

1.     How did you become involved in geocaching?       In February of 2008 while at a high school wrestling match, my friend and coworker asked me if I heard of Geocaching.  I said Yes. His wife and him had been doing it since Dec 2007 and asked if I would like to go the next day.  Sure, I had a Garmin Nuvi.  Sunday morning we met and were going for a cache called “71”.  I even went in the store and asked if someone hid something in here, with some looking we finally found it on a pole. That’s how it all started.

The very first day after wrestling, I told my son and we saw a cache at Glasgow Park and I said let’s go and find it.  Well we got there and it took us up the sledding hill.  We searched and found a groundhog hole with nothing in it.  Searched until almost dark, went home and looked at the cache page again.  Found out it was an event that was on 2-2-08 @ 2:22pm!

2.  How did you choose your caching name?      I used to fish a lot and had a beach house on Indian River Bay. When we bought our boat many names were written down and after some thought we came up with the name.  We only went on short trips on the bay but the name Tripp is my wife’s family name and that was how the boat became “shorttripp” so I kept the name in caching.

3.     What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?         Traditional because there are more of them

4.  Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?        Puzzle caches.  Some make you do a lot of research.

5.     What are your current geocaching goals?      Well I had a goal to reach 10,000 finds and that has been reached. No more goals.  Just have fun caching!

6.     Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?       Colorado and Washington and I am going there in July to visit family.  One son in Colorado and one in Washington.

7.     What is your most memorable caching experience?    Doing the Star Spangled Banner series.  We drove over 450 miles in one day to finish the series.  5am to 10pm.  Also finding a cache in Turkey.  My GPS only had an arrow indicator and distance; no maps.

8.     What do you like about geocaching?     The places it takes you to where you would never go.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?     Events.  There is something always good to eat.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?     Fishing and Crabbing.  Don’t have the “shorttripp” anymore so I go with other friends on their boat.


May 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: CrashDavis12

Real Name: Tim Searl

1.  How did you become involved in geocaching?    I heard about it on a podcast and it seemed interesting. I downloaded an app to my Android phone, then forgot the app was there for a few weeks. I was on the boardwalk in Rehoboth one night and remembered the app, so I looked to see if there was one nearby, and there was – GC1A49Z, Puzzled? By Rehobch. I went to the posted coordinates in the center of the boardwalk at the end of Rehoboth Avenue, and there was no cache there. Hmmm… an interesting puzzle for me to solve, and the rest was history.

2.  How did you choose your caching name?    It’s a screen name I picked while I       was watching the movie Bull Durham. Crash Davis is the catcher on the Durham Bulls.

3.   What type of cache do you prefer seeking  traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?        It changes depending on how much time I have to cache and where I am. I like puzzles in Rehoboth and Conshohocken. I usually look for quick C&Ds when I’m on my lunch break at work or on a road trip through a new state. When I have time, I like the hike to a scenic location to see a place where I’ve never been. Oh, and I always try to stop for Webcam caches since they are so rare these days.

4.   Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?        Any puzzle cache over 4 stars. I wish I had more brain power for some of those!

5.   What are your current geocaching goals? To try to average at least one a day throughout the year. I usually go on day-long caching adventures to maintain this average.

6.   Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?      I’d like to find a cache in all 50 states, so I have 31 more to go.

7.   What is your most memorable caching experience?       I was looking for a cache in Aruba, GC614F – The Other Lighthouse. It was on a rocky cliff overlooking some very rough surf on the Caribbean. I was by myself, with ocean off in three different directions, so I felt like I was standing on the edge of the world.

8.   What do you like about geocaching?       I like to solve puzzles, but I also like the cloak and dagger aspects of looking for something in a hidden world that sits as a layer on top of the regular world.

9.     Do you have some favorite caches in the area?       Several. I like GC3DYYT – Your Key To Cache, GC6F31 – Tour De Solar System and GCR7B7 – FOURTEEN MINUS SIX. I solved that one with no help!

10.    Do you have any other hobbies or interests?       I just recently joined my local fire company, and I’m working on a national firefighter certification. I like to sail on tall ships (GC62TMT – FSC-2015 Kalmar Nyckel Shipyard), I like to ski and I also coach my son’s lacrosse team.

April 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: Cody Hollow Farm

Real Name:  Stacy Hindt

1.   How did you become involved in geocaching?     Went caching with a friend in 2007, and took off running from there.

2.  How did you choose your caching name?      At the time, it was easy, I chose the name of my farm in Fair Hill Maryland.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?       Virtual, traditional and puzzles with friends.  Webcams are great too!

4.  Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?      Before or after weight loss surgery? Lol.. on a serious note..both Ape caches.  Washington we carried our son our shoulders, he was 4. That was a 6 mile round trip hike! Brazil was a group effort to get there, and I’m proud to boast I am fully inoculated and vaccinated, lol, and then we took the circuitous route to the cache and hiked two mountains and almost 10 miles before dinner.

5.  What are your current geocaching goals?       Uhm… Iceland, Alaska again, and I’m seriously looking into Sweden.  Oldest caches in the States and all the virtuals in Maryland.

6.  Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?      Ask me after the summer Olympics in 2020, I was asked to go with other photographers and of course I will cache!

7.   What is your most memorable caching experience?       Wow…ranking highly..Hawaii with the family, Alaska with my son and getting charged at by a 8foot tall baby moose,  the Northern Lights in Alaska, BOTH APE CACHES!!!! and three countries in one day! Any LEO encounter, and that epic speeding ticket with Wirtz in Maine and South Dakota! She and I always find hot police officers to pull us over….

8.  What do you like about geocaching?       The journey where it takes me. The people.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
Jusefs cache. CAM caches, 14-6, and of course, WV Tim caches!

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?       I’m a part time professional photographer. I ride horses and love to cook when I can . Cajun is my favorite. My family and their interests, and of course, I LOVE CATS!

March 2018 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: JeffS47

Real Name:  Jeff Strauss 

1.     How did you become involved in geocaching?    In 2011 I read an article in the Wilmington News Journal about geocaching and set up an account. I did not have a modern cell phone but my son’s did so for father’s day that year I asked them to go caching with me. We found one cache in Talley Day Park and one in Bellevue State Park that day. I then bought a Garmin etrex that summer and attended my first event at the Smyrna Diner and was hooked.

2.  How did you choose your caching name?     JeffS47 was already my email name so I just use it.

3.     What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?     I like them all. I especially like puzzles when someone else solves them.

4.  Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?    The long hikers are sometimes a problem for me because of my hip.

5.     What are your current geocaching goals?    I have caches in 42 of the 50 states and am planning a trip to Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama next month with MikeOtt, so that will leave just 5 states to complete all 50.

6.     Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?    Alaska, Hawaii and Ireland, Scotland and England.

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?    All the caching road trips I have taken with both MikeOtt and Drew136. Also see pictures.

8.     What do you like about geocaching?    All the friends I have made. The Delaware Geocaching community is one of the best groups of people I have ever known.

9.     Do you have some favorite caches in the area?    Many of the FSC caches that have been placed by all of you over the 7 years I have done the FSC and also the crafty caches machined by Marty Mitchell.

10.  Do you have any other hobbies or interests?    My three adult children and my two beautiful grandchildren.

August, 2015 With Drew136, CrashDavis12, OliversOuting and HuntingKids04 at GCGV0P Original Stash Tribute Plaque – Oregon

January, 2018 Arizona’s oldest  GC57.

Hillside Multi GCWFY7 July, 2016 with OliversOuting, MartyMitchell And CrashDavis12.

Bar Harbor Maine Earthcache GC3RJ39 “The Bar That Named a Town” with MikeOtt  October, 2016

January, 2017 with BenLorma07 in NJ at GCZKWA  River Stroll 2-Memory Lane

October, 2016 Caching run to Philadelphia with MikeOtt MartinMitchell and Drew136.

Los Algodones, Mexico – January, 2018  –  9 dusty dirty caches in 3 hours!