Caching Name: cacheaholic!
Real Name: Martha
1. How did you become involved in geocaching? I was introduced to Geocaching by my longtime friend Lit’l Bitz (Maribeth). We had gone on one of our annual trips to NYC and since we had advance tickets for a show she asked if we wanted to go Geocaching. I had never heard of it before but thought it might be fun since had no real plans. I had so much fun that I signed up when we got home. Needless to say since I was a muggle at the time I found my first cache I had to go back and get the cache so that I could sign the log myself.
2. How did you choose your caching name? This wasn’t my first caching name. My first name was Crafty SeaHorse deriving from my most favorite interests, crafting, the beach and horseback riding. I changed it to cacheaholic! because once I start caching I find it hard to stop. I found myself saying “Just this one more cache” and that would lead then to one more after that and so on. You know how that goes. It’s like eating chocolate.
3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual? Hard Puzzles are my least favorite type of caches for the most part because my brain doesn’t think in puzzle. I enjoy some puzzle caches that are challenging but are still solvable for me. I do really like virtual caches because they are usually in really interesting places. I pretty much enjoy all cache types for the most part.
4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally? The most physically challenging cache(s) were Mike Ott’s kayak caches he put out in Elkton. Jamie, Joe, his brother and I decided to get theses as the tide was leaving. This proved to be quite an undertaking as we paddled where we could and slogging through the mud where we couldn’t.
5. What are your current geocaching goals? I can’t say that have a specific goal in mind when it comes to geocaching. Almost anywhere I go I enjoy finding caches. Right now my only real goal is to tackle the ever growing list of Delaware caches I need to still find. It would be nice to have a cache find in all 50 states and all of the Canadian Provinces but if I don’t make it at least I’ve enjoyed the journey along the way. After all for me the best part of Geocaching is just getting out there enjoying the adventure of finding great places along the way.
6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t? Hmmm, that a tough one. Basically almost anywhere would be great. Although in watching other cachers videos I think the architecture in Europe and Scandinavia is beautiful and it would be nice to go caching there. I love old things, great architecture and interesting places.
7. What is your most memorable caching experience? I have two memorable caches. The first one was the “Thousand Steps” cache that I did with Mike Ott and company for his 10,000 find and the second one was the Bear Swamp Hill “Landing Gear” cache the Waypointed (Cush) and went out for in the Jersey Pine Barrens. There are a few more caches that are also memorable but these two top my list.
8. What do you like about geocaching? There are so many great things about Geocaching I enjoy. Some of them are the amount of history; the out of the way places it has taken me to that I probably would never have seen had it not be for someone placing a cache there; meeting other cachers along the way. For me it’s not just finding the cache but also taking in the places that this sport takes me to. I’ve been caching at a winery and stopped for wine tasting, stopped to check out a local fair and the like. These are the reasons I like Geocaching.
9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area? My favorite caches are caches in the state parks or other out of the way places because I love coming across old buildings and other fun relics from the past. I also like being able to watch wildlife.
10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests? I enjoy many things including reading, doing crafts, horseback riding, vegetable gardening; homesteading and primitive skills are some of my favorites. I like traveling although I don’t get to do as much of that as I’d like to.