December 2014 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: LadyH
Real Name: Genie Jones

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
Our daughter and son-in-law (dww9) ask hostanut and I to go along with them to do something they thought we would enjoy. That first day we signed logs as “Green Thumb Team” since we were heavily involved with growing (garden, hostas, alliums, cacti, daffodils, etc).

2. How did you choose your caching name?
I LOVE hummingbirds and am a Lady so LadyH.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
Traditional, Multi and Virtual. NOT puzzles unless they are field puzzles.
Caches that take you on walks instead of C&Ds.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
Along with CAM 2009 Hoyes Crest…..Tonylama’s GCTAK6 Tour de Lamahoe (now archived).were the most physically challenging.
For Tour de Lamahoe, hostanut and I were happily surprised when we arrived at Stage1 to find the CO. After chatting for a few minutes we made the quick grab and loaded the coords for stage 2 and off we went. We started on one route before deciding that we need to cross the water back near stage 1. Back we went before locating a tree bridge.
What an adventure!
OK, we were across the water but now we had a cross country trek-bushwhacking part of the way with the CO tagging along.
After making a quick grab of the coords at stage 2 (with the sound of guns shots nearby and even hunters a few yards away), I made the find.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
Continue to have fun. I hope that my next 7000 are as enjoyable as my first 7000.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
Las Vegas

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
GC1NKTA CAM 2009- Hoye Crest and GC1NQWM CAM 2009- Fifteen Mile Creek with The9Searchers (they were The8Searchers then…. The little Searchers were ages 13, 11, 7, 5, 2, and 3 weeks.) At Hoyes Crest the little Searchers kept an eye on hostanut and I as we took the climb up to the top. Once there….the views were spectacular, the achieve-ment of reaching the top was satisfying but the fun with the Searchers (along with HiTech MD and Three’s Company) was even greater.
At Fifteen Mile Creek it was a blast crossing the water 10 times with the 10 of us. I had the pleasure of being escorted by 2 of the younger Searchers along the dry parts of the walk. We also enjoyed making up stories about the car we spotted up high on the side of the hill.

8. What do you like about geocaching?
At vacation destinations hostanut and I agree on what to do (caching). We get to see more places because caches are at places that we might not know existed if there wasn’t a cache there. We have met friends who we now socialize with…..both caching and non-caching activities.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
GC3TVPR Feeling blue? On the eastern shore of Virginia near Eastville, This was a tree climb. I reached the cache but dropped the log. Hostanut had to put the log on the end of his walking stick to get it back up to me.

GC51NTF WGD 2014 Courtyard for several reasons. I had fun with hostanut and Hitech….coming up with idea to use for the cache, designing the cache container and getting our friends the Scrapple-ers to build the final container.
Later I was thrilled with this cache was voted “Best Hide of the Year Eastern” by the Maryland Geocaching Society!

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
CHRISTMAS!!!! It’s Christmas year round at the house…..I have several trees that stay decorated all year. I even have a room dedicated to Christmas which contains many collectible Pipka Santas.

Reading (hostanut swears he needs to get another job just to pay for all the Kindle books that I purchase.)

Jewelry: Getting beads and creating my own bracelets and finding several beautiful hummingbird earrings.

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