May 2015 – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name: Delaware Dude

Real Name: Tom Keating

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
I was the driver for Delaware Girl (my wife) and her sisters, who have cached for
Years. Gradually I got interested, then hooked.

2. How did you choose your caching name?
My wife, Delaware Girl, picked the name, Delaware Dude.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
I like traditional caches, but I’ll try any type.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
The caches we got in Alaska were very challenging. We were on a cruise, so
Time was always a problem. Every cache in Alaska was a good hike, and the
The terrain was always an issue. In Juneau, Alaska the roads went straight
Uphill. We also cached in Skagway and Ketchikan Alaska.

Another fun, but challenging cache we did was on a trip to Italy. While in
Florence, Italy we came to a cache that was 10/12 feet up on a sign. We looked
All over until I spotted it on the back of a sign. We weren’t to let it go, so I
Climbed up on Delaware Girls back and got it.
The locals either knew it was there or just figured we were crazy Americans.
Another cache we loved in Italy was at The Leaning Tower of Pisa. It was a
Virtual, and the information was on sewer grates, and you completed it with
Pictures of the tower. It was a beautiful place.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
Our current geocaching plans are to do New England, in the fall. We are both
retired so there are plenty of future trips coming.

6. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t?
We are going to do all of the states and as many foreign countries as possible.

7. What is your most memorable caching experience?
There was a rock wall cache in Asissi, Italy that was a trip. Asissi is a town on a
Mountain, and all the roads, walkways, and paths have rock walls around them.
The paths and roads wind up the hills, and are very close to each other, so your
Dealing with millions of rocks, and the coords weren’t too good. We wound our
Way up to the top and found it. The challenge wasn’t over yet, because now we
Were totally lost, hungry, and in need of a bathroom.

8. What do you like about geocaching?
I enjoy the challenge, and being outside in beautiful places. I’ve learned there are
Caches almost everywhere.

9. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
A favorite cache is the one in Ocean city Maryland, right off the beach. I found a
$20 bill next to the cache.
Another favorite, Needful Things, is in Fresh Pond Park near Ocean View De. It’s
way back in a beautiful park, that you should bike to, and it has a wonderful old
farmer’s story.
We also love the trails in Florida. They all have tons of caches, wide trails, and
bathrooms. Some trails even have drinking water, and they are all kept up nice
Of course a lot of trails in Florida have alligators and snakes.

10. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
My other hobby is running. I run three times a week, and have competed in
everything from 5Ks up to a full marathon. Running has also taken me to
new geocaching areas.

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