March 2015 – Cacher of the Month

Caching Name: 2B’s

Real Name: Bill and Betty Andrews

1. How did you become involved in geocaching?
Our son got a Magellan as a Christmas present from his employer in 2002. During Christmas we went caching with him and his family and had a great time but did not log any of the caches. In July of 2003, he gave us our own GPSr and we started caching around Sussex County.

2. How did you choose your caching name?
We use the initials of our first names.

3. What type of cache do you prefer seeking – traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual?
Each category has a lot to offer. We wish Groundspeak would bring back the virtuals.

4. Which caches were the most challenging, either physically/mentally?
Any cache at the top of a mountain.

5. What are your current geocaching goals?
Nothing really; we just enjoy the hobby.

6. What is your most memorable caching experience?
We were on a cruise and went to look for a cache near the port in Cozumel. The cache was in a beachside bar. When we walked in the owner saw Bill’s Lewes hat and when he said Lewes correctly, we knew he was from Delaware. The CO was raised in Dover. Also on that cruise, we logged a virtual as we cruised through the Panama Canal.

7. What do you like about geocaching?
The people we have met and the interesting places we have visited. It has been fun learning about Delaware through caching. And we always try to do some caching while we are on trips.

8. Do you have some favorite caches in the area?
Being retired, Betty likes to work on Rehobch’s puzzles. I can’t solve many of them but it keeps the brain working. Bill liked the Ancient Mariner by Hart612. It took three trips to gz and it was the first creative cache we found.

9. Do you have any other hobbies or interests?
Reading, traveling and volunteering at Cape Henlopen State Park.

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