February 2015 – Cacher of the Month


Caching Name:  Boonecaching  

Real Name:  John Boone    

  1. How did you become involved in geocaching? One day a friend of mine and our families got together at a local park. We were talking and she said there a Geocache over in those woods. I had heard of Geocaching but never went so she took us to the GZ and we made our first find. After that we went to a bunch more along the way back home.
  1. How did you choose your caching name?  Being new to it and not knowing much about it I just went for the first thing that came to mind… my name and caching. Seems kind of silly now knowing how clever some people’s names are but I’ll stick with the original…
  1. What type of cache do you prefer seeking? Traditional, multi, and puzzle, virtual? I don’t have a type of cache I prefer I’ll give them all a try as long as I can have a good time and have a story to tell after… like power trails… I’d rather do a walking one where we can enjoy being outside.
  2. Which caches were the most challenging?  Either physically/mentally? I like the physically one more so if I see a terrain 5 I get excited; especially if I can bring my little cachers along for a fun filled day… We did a cache in Ky it was a 3 mile walk to a cliff (Solomon overlook)
  1. What are your current geocaching goals?  I don’t believe in having goals just stories to tell at events and memories. I love the feeling of when you pass an area and you remember a cache and a fun filled day that went with it.
  1. Where have you always wanted to go caching but haven’t? My current ambitions are to go to Canada and do that one cache that took like 2 weeks to go get… only found 1 time in the 7 years it’s been active. (Don’t know the geo code)
  1. What is your most memorable caching experience? It’s going to sound silly but my lil cachers and I went to a small power trail next to the C&D canal (bike trail) and we walked it… on that walk my oldest daughter found a bamboo patch she was amazed and wanting to bring some home and my younger daughter saw an eagle… for the next week they kept talking about the trip… I just hope its days like that that they talk about to their kids (“when I was younger” moments)
  1. What do you like about geocaching?  I like meeting new people, seeing the creativeness that comes with the different hides and puzzles.
  1. Do you have some favorite caches in the area? GC436MB without giving too many hints about the end, those that have done this one know why it’s one of my favs. GC47GCN Really long walks on the beach.
  1. Do you have an y other hobbies or interests? I have a lot of hobbies, Most can be integrated with geocaching, Camping, hiking, traveling, building crafts, sport shooting, but one thing that’s not really a hobby, it’s just being outside.



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